The Reciprocal of 89
"Ah, why, ye Gods! should two and two make four?" Alexander Pope, The Dunciad (1728)
In the year 1967, statistician W.J. Reichmann authored a book called "The Spell of Mathematics". One of the paradoxes he presents concerns the curious case of the eleventh Fibonacci number.
Coincidentally, the eleventh Fibonacci number begins from the eleventh position in pi. The Fibonacci sequence has many interesting properties, but in the words of Mr Reichmann, the most remarkable of them all is peculiar to the number 89.
Firstly let's organize the Fibonacci sequence, step-wise going down, so that each new number extends to a new column. Then simple addition astonishingly reveals the 44 digit repeat cycle of the reciprocal of 89.
In the year 1967, statistician W.J. Reichmann authored a book called "The Spell of Mathematics". One of the paradoxes he presents concerns the curious case of the eleventh Fibonacci number.
Coincidentally, the eleventh Fibonacci number begins from the eleventh position in pi. The Fibonacci sequence has many interesting properties, but in the words of Mr Reichmann, the most remarkable of them all is peculiar to the number 89.
Firstly let's organize the Fibonacci sequence, step-wise going down, so that each new number extends to a new column. Then simple addition astonishingly reveals the 44 digit repeat cycle of the reciprocal of 89.
Equally amazing is that the same device, in reverse, reveals the 108 digit repeat cycle of the reciprocal of 109. Whilst the number 89 belongs to the Fibonacci series, 109 does not. In fact the Fibonacci number following 89 is 144.
- 144 is the 109th composite number
These reflected calculations are reminiscent of the synchronicity of the Bible, which is a translation of the original Hebrew (right to left script) and Greek (left to right).
With confirmation from the digits of pi, the eleventh in the Fibonacci sequence is a rock star number.
- the first occurrence of 89 in pi is followed by 793, the 12th star number
- beginning from position 89 in pi are the three digits 253, the 7th star number
The reciprocal of 89 has a 44 digit repeat cycle, and those 44 digits sum to 198 = 89 + 109.
The reciprocal of 109 has a repeat cycle of 108 digits, and those 108 digits sum to 486.
Subtraction of these two star numbers reveals another celestial alignment:
793 is the 12th star number, and the 12th prime number is 37.
In the digits of the Euler-Mascharoni constant (gamma), the connection is spectacular:
- the 198th composite number is 253
The reciprocal of 109 has a repeat cycle of 108 digits, and those 108 digits sum to 486.
- beginning from position 486 in pi are the three digits 793
Subtraction of these two star numbers reveals another celestial alignment:
- 793 - 253 = 540
- beginning from position 540 in pi, phi and e respectively are the digits 793
793 is the 12th star number, and the 12th prime number is 37.
- 540 is the sum of the first 37 digits of pi phi and e (175 + 194 + 171)
- 37 is the 3rd star number
In the digits of the Euler-Mascharoni constant (gamma), the connection is spectacular:
- beginning from position 253 in gamma are the three digits 793
- the first occurrence of 253 in gamma begins from position 157, which is the 37th prime number
In the third verse, God said, יהי אור ("Let there be light") which has has a gematria value of 232
Clearly there is harmony between these star numbers and the reciprocals of 89 and 109. This harmony can be seen, but is better when heard.
The standard musical tuning is based on 440 Hz, but the Music of The Spheres is only obtained with vibrations at 432 Hz.
God saw the light, that it was good, and divided the light from the darkness in the Bible's fourth verse, which has a gematria value of 1776.
The first 4 digits of 1/89 are 0112, which is the gematria value of יהוה אלהים (YHWH Elohim) translated as "LORD God" in the KJV.
In Greek, the word for "light" is φως (phos) which has a gematria value of 1500
The first 432 composites sum to 118,185, and the first occurrence of 118185 in pi is followed by the 263rd occurrence of 3030.
- the sum of the digits 232 is 7
- the product of the digits 232 is 12
Clearly there is harmony between these star numbers and the reciprocals of 89 and 109. This harmony can be seen, but is better when heard.
The standard musical tuning is based on 440 Hz, but the Music of The Spheres is only obtained with vibrations at 432 Hz.
- the first 89 digits of pi sum to 432
God saw the light, that it was good, and divided the light from the darkness in the Bible's fourth verse, which has a gematria value of 1776.
- the 1776th digits of pi, phi and e respectively are 432
The first 4 digits of 1/89 are 0112, which is the gematria value of יהוה אלהים (YHWH Elohim) translated as "LORD God" in the KJV.
- the term יהוה אלהים appears 37 times in the Tanakh
- the term Lord God (case insensitive) appears in 532 Bible verses (KJV)
- 532 is the 432nd composite number
In Greek, the word for "light" is φως (phos) which has a gematria value of 1500
- beginning from position 1500 in pi are the three digits 532
The first 432 composites sum to 118,185, and the first occurrence of 118185 in pi is followed by the 263rd occurrence of 3030.
- 3030 is the gematria value of ο υιος του ανθρωπου ("the Son of man") which referred to Jesus (eg Luk 19:10)
- the first occurrence of 263 in pi begins from the 0112nd prime number
God Saw The Light, That It Was Good.
The word יהוה (YHWH) is known as the Tetragrammaton (four letter name), and his creativity is evident in all of this.
We have seen that the Fibonacci series can be used to reveal the reciprocals of 89 (left to right) and 109 (right to left). A closer examination of those numbers reveal only one four digit number which can be read both left to right and right to left.
1/89 = 01123595505617977528089887640449438202247191 ...
1/109 = 009174311926605504587155963302752293577981651376146788990825688073394495412844036697247706422018348623853211 ...
In verse number 666 in the Torah, we learn that all the days of Abraham's life were 175 years (Gen 25:7).
The phrase מאת שנה ושבעים שנה וחמש שנים ("an hundred threescore and fifteen years") has a gematria value of 2333
This again relates to the star numbers 253 and 793.
The first occurrence of 200629 in pi is followed by the 157th occurrence of 666.
- the reciprocal of 89 has a 44 digit repeat cycle
- the first 4 digits of pi, phi and e sum to 44 (11 + 15 + 18)
- the first 4 primes and first 4 composite numbers sum to 44 (2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 9)
We have seen that the Fibonacci series can be used to reveal the reciprocals of 89 (left to right) and 109 (right to left). A closer examination of those numbers reveal only one four digit number which can be read both left to right and right to left.
1/89 = 01123595505617977528089887640449438202247191 ...
1/109 = 009174311926605504587155963302752293577981651376146788990825688073394495412844036697247706422018348623853211 ...
- 5779 is the sum of the 666th prime and 666th composite numbers
In verse number 666 in the Torah, we learn that all the days of Abraham's life were 175 years (Gen 25:7).
- 175 is the sum of the first 37 digits of pi
- Gen 25:7 gives 25 x 7 = 175
The phrase מאת שנה ושבעים שנה וחמש שנים ("an hundred threescore and fifteen years") has a gematria value of 2333
- 2 x 333 = 666
This again relates to the star numbers 253 and 793.
- beginning from position 253 in the digits of 1/109 are the four digits 5779
- beginning from position 793 in the digits of 1/109 are the four digits 5779
- 253 x 793 = 200629
The first occurrence of 200629 in pi is followed by the 157th occurrence of 666.
- 157 is the 37th prime number
- beginning from position 37 in the digits of 1/109 are the four digits 5779
All the days of Abraham's life were 175 years.
- 175 - 157 = 18, which is the gematria value of the word חי ("life")
- 37 x 18 = 666
In the reciprocal of 109, the number 5779 is surrounded by 293 and 816.
Beginning from position 1109 in pi are the three digits 424, which is the gematria value of משיח בן דוד (Moshiach ben David) meaning "Messiah, the son of David". Jesus Christ (Messiah) is the son of David (Mat 1:1; 21:9).
Beginning from position 424 in the reciprocal of 89 are the four digits 4044.
"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good:" (Gen 1:3-4)
Also in the fourth verse, God divided the light from the darkness. The phrase ויבדל אלהים בין האור ובין החשך ("and God divided the light from the darkness.") has a gematria value of 813, coincidentally the same as ויאמר אלהים יהי אור ויהי אור ("And God said, let there be light: and there was light.").
God divided the light from the darkness. If we divide the 89th and 109th Fibonacci numbers, more will be revealed about Moshiach ben David.
F(109) / F(89) = 152126.999933893038648104029934483541 ....
The first four decimal digits of this division are 9999. There is only one verse in the Bible with a gematria value of 9999:
"Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth." Rev 2:16
The term משיח בן דוד (Moshiach ben David) has a gematria value of 424. There are only two words that appear 424 times in the Bible (KJV). Those two words are "sword" and "mouth". The term τηι ρομφαιαι του στοματος μου ("the sword of my mouth") has a gematria value of 3511.
- 293 + 816 = 1109
Beginning from position 1109 in pi are the three digits 424, which is the gematria value of משיח בן דוד (Moshiach ben David) meaning "Messiah, the son of David". Jesus Christ (Messiah) is the son of David (Mat 1:1; 21:9).
- 1109 is the 186th prime number
- the first occurrence of 186 in pi begins from position 424
Beginning from position 424 in the reciprocal of 89 are the four digits 4044.
- beginning from position 4044 in pi are the three digits 186
"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good:" (Gen 1:3-4)
Also in the fourth verse, God divided the light from the darkness. The phrase ויבדל אלהים בין האור ובין החשך ("and God divided the light from the darkness.") has a gematria value of 813, coincidentally the same as ויאמר אלהים יהי אור ויהי אור ("And God said, let there be light: and there was light.").
God divided the light from the darkness. If we divide the 89th and 109th Fibonacci numbers, more will be revealed about Moshiach ben David.
F(109) / F(89) = 152126.999933893038648104029934483541 ....
The first four decimal digits of this division are 9999. There is only one verse in the Bible with a gematria value of 9999:
"Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth." Rev 2:16
The term משיח בן דוד (Moshiach ben David) has a gematria value of 424. There are only two words that appear 424 times in the Bible (KJV). Those two words are "sword" and "mouth". The term τηι ρομφαιαι του στοματος μου ("the sword of my mouth") has a gematria value of 3511.
The first occurrence of 424 in pi begins from the 186th prime number, and beginning from position 424 are the three digits 186.
The first occurrence of 3511 is followed by the now familiar seventh star number. There is only one word which appears 253 times in the KJV. That word is "only". As of this writing, the Hebrew year 5779 is coming on us quickly. Rosh Hashanah coincides with September 10, 2018 which is the 253rd day of the Gregorian year. Only a few more weeks.
The word "light" appears 272 times in the Bible (KJV).
- the first occurrence of 3511 in pi begins from position 1,347
- 1,347 is the sum of the 186th prime and 186th composite numbers
The first occurrence of 3511 is followed by the now familiar seventh star number. There is only one word which appears 253 times in the KJV. That word is "only". As of this writing, the Hebrew year 5779 is coming on us quickly. Rosh Hashanah coincides with September 10, 2018 which is the 253rd day of the Gregorian year. Only a few more weeks.
- 3511 is surrounded by 019 and 253
- 019 + 253 = 272
The word "light" appears 272 times in the Bible (KJV).
- the Hebrew word for "light" is אור (owr) which has a gematria value of 207
- the 89th digits of pi, phi and e respectively are 207
- the 89th Fibonacci number has 19 digits
- the 109th Fibonacci number has 23 digits
- 19 + 23 = 42
- the first 42 digits of pi sum to 207
- the word אור ("light") is Strong's H216, which is 6 * 6 * 6
The word אור ("light") appears 57 times in the Tanakh.
- 89 is the 11th Fibonacci number
- the first 11 digits of phi sum to 57
The first 57 composite numbers sum to 2448, which was the year (Hebrew calendar) the Torah was revealed to Moses at Mt. Sinai.
- beginning from position 2448 in pi are the four digits 3986
- the first 888 digits of 1/89 sum to 3986
Beginning from position 3986 in 1/89 are the two digits 55, which is the number of verses in which the word אור ("light") appears in the Tanakh. The word "light" appears in 235 verses in the Bible (KJV). The reciprocal of 109 has a repeat cycle of 108 digits, and in the 108th "light" verse, Solomon said,
"For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:" Pro 6:23
The phrase תורה אור (Torah owr) translated as "the law is light" has a gematria value of 611 + 207 = 818.
- the word אור ("light") appears in 55 verses in the Tanakh
- the first 55 digits of pi, phi and e sum to 818 (268 + 270 + 280)
- the first 42 digits of pi sum to 207
- the first 42 digits of pi, phi and e sum to 611 (207 + 208 + 196)
The word תורה (Torah) has a gematria value of 611, which is the 499th composite number. 499 is the number of seconds it takes for light to travel the average distance from the Sun to Earth (one astronomical unit).
The word שמש ("Sun") has a gematria value of 640. In the first 611,640 digits of pi:
- the string 640 appears 611 times
- the string 611 appears 640 times
The word "sun" appears 21 times in the King James translation of the Torah (first five books of the Bible).
- the sum of the first 21 prime numbers and the first 21 composites is 1112
Beginning from position 611,640 in pi is the 597th occurrence the three digits 026, which is the gematria value of יהוה (YHWH).
- the 1,112th digits of pi, phi and e respectively are 597
Beginning from position 1,112 in pi is the first occurrence of the three digits 541, which is the gematria value of ישראל ("Israel") and the 10th star number.
- 541 is the 100th prime number
- the first 100 digits of pi sum to 477
- the first occurrence of ישראל (YHWH) is the 477th Hebrew word in the Torah (Gen 2:4)
- beginning from position 477 in pi are the three digits 272, the number of times the word "light" appears in the KJV
The string 541 appears within the digits of 1/109, surrounded by 449 and 284.
- 449 + 284 = 733
- the 733rd composite number is 888
God said, Let there be light in the Torah's third verse, which has a gematria value of 813.
- the first occurrence of 813 in pi begins from position 733
- the first occurrence of 813 in e is followed by the three digits 232 ("Let there be light")
God said, Let there be light, and the law (Torah) is light. The first occurrence of 611 in gamma begins from position 232 ("Let there be light").
The word "light" appears 272 times in the Bible (KJV).
When God created the sun and the moon, to divide the day from the night, he said והיו לאתת ("and let them be for signs") which has a gematria value of 858 (Gen 1:14).
The phrase השמש והירח ("the sun and the moon") has a gematria value of 874.
When God made the sun and the moon, he made the stars also (Gen 1:16). The sum of the first 23 prime numbers, added to the sum of the first 23 composites is 1343, which is the gematria value of a most appropriate psalm:
"Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light." Psa 148:3
The word "light" appears 272 times in the Bible (KJV).
- the 272nd digits of pi, phi and e respectively are the digits 544
- the 544th composite number is 666
- 666 is the gematria value of יהי מארת ("Let there be lights") Gen 1:14
When God created the sun and the moon, to divide the day from the night, he said והיו לאתת ("and let them be for signs") which has a gematria value of 858 (Gen 1:14).
- שמש ("Sun") has a gematria value of 640
- ירח ("Moon") has a gematria value of 218
- 640 + 218 = 858
The phrase השמש והירח ("the sun and the moon") has a gematria value of 874.
- 874 is the sum of the first 23 prime numbers
- the words "sun" and "moon" appear together in 35 Bible verses (KJV)
- 35 is the 23rd composite number
- the first 23 digits of pi sum to 112, the gematria value of יהוה אלהים (YHWH Elohim)
- the first occurrence of the term יהוה אלהים appears in the 35th verse in the Torah (Gen 2:4)
When God made the sun and the moon, he made the stars also (Gen 1:16). The sum of the first 23 prime numbers, added to the sum of the first 23 composites is 1343, which is the gematria value of a most appropriate psalm:
"Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light." Psa 148:3
The astonishing properties of the numbers 89 and 109 are truly brought to light by the product of the 89th and 109th Fibonacci numbers.
F(89) = 1779979416004714189
F(109) = 26925748508234281076009
The product of these two numbers has 41 digits.
F(89) x F(109) = 47927278105176659888288635888015429791701
And these 41 digits sum to 212, which is the gematria value of האור (ha'owr) meaning "the light". In the third verse in the Bible, God said, Let there be light: and there was light (Gen 1:3).
The word "light" appears 272 times in 235 Bible verses (KJV)
In the fourth verse, God saw the light, that it was good (Gen 1:4).
Gen 1:4 has a gematria value of 1776.
F(89) = 1779979416004714189
F(109) = 26925748508234281076009
The product of these two numbers has 41 digits.
F(89) x F(109) = 47927278105176659888288635888015429791701
- 89 + 109 = 198
- the first 41 digits of pi sum to 198
And these 41 digits sum to 212, which is the gematria value of האור (ha'owr) meaning "the light". In the third verse in the Bible, God said, Let there be light: and there was light (Gen 1:3).
- 89 is the 11th Fibonacci number
- the first 11 Fibonacci numbers sum to 232
- the phrase יהי אור ("Let there be light") has a gematria value of 232
The word "light" appears 272 times in 235 Bible verses (KJV)
- in the reciprocal of 89, the digits 235 begin from position 4
- in the product of the 89th and 109th Fibonacci numbers, the digits 272 begin from position 4
In the fourth verse, God saw the light, that it was good (Gen 1:4).
- 89 is the 24th prime number
- the first 24 primes sum to 963
- the phrase וירא אלהים את ("And God saw the light, that it was good") has a gematria value of 963
Gen 1:4 has a gematria value of 1776.
- 1776 = 2 x 888
- the string 888 appears twice in the product of the 89th and 109th Fibonacci numbers
- the first occurrence of 888 is followed by 288
- the totient of 888 is 288
- ιησους Χριστος ("Jesus Christ") has a gematria value of 2368
- 2 * 3 * 6 * 8 = 288, and the first occurrence of 2368 in pi is followed by 288
- the second occurrence of 888 is followed by 015
- 288 + 015 = 303
- the 2368th digits of pi, phi and e respectively are 303
Messiah, The Sun of David
F(89) x F(109) = 47927278105176659888288635888015429791701
Jesus is Messiah, the son of David (Mat 1:1). In Hebrew, משיח בן דוד (Moshiach ben David) has a gematria value of 424, and the first occurrence of 424 in pi begins from position 1109.
The word יהוה (YHWH) appears 6,007 times in the Tanakh, and beginning from position 6,007 in phi is the fourth occurrence of the three digits 424. Jesus said, I am the Alpha and the Omega four times in the Bible: Rev 1:8 Rev 1:11 Rev 21:6 Rev 22:13
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. In the product of the 89th and 109th Fibonacci numbers:
In Greek, the term υιος δαβιδ ("the son of David") has a gematria value of 701.
The first occurrence of 479 in pi begins from position 1093. Between positions 1093 and 1180 in pi are 86 digits which sum to 402.
The only word which occurs 402 times in the KJV is "glory", which in Hebrew is כבוד (kabowd) with a gematria value of 32.
God said יהי אור ("Let there be light") which has a gematria value of 232.
"There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory." 1 Co 15:41
The phrase αλλη δοξα ηλιου ("There is one glory of the sun") has a gematria value of 722. Beginning from position 722 in pi are the three digits 640, which is the gematria value of שמש (shemesh) meaning "Sun".
"For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly." Psa 84:11
The phrase כי שמש ומגן יהוה אלהים ("For the LORD God is a sun and a shield:") has a gematria value of 881.
Jesus is Messiah, the son of David (Mat 1:1). In Hebrew, משיח בן דוד (Moshiach ben David) has a gematria value of 424, and the first occurrence of 424 in pi begins from position 1109.
- there are 1109 Hebrew words in the first three chapters of the Torah
- 424 (base 10) = 120201 (base 3)
The word יהוה (YHWH) appears 6,007 times in the Tanakh, and beginning from position 6,007 in phi is the fourth occurrence of the three digits 424. Jesus said, I am the Alpha and the Omega four times in the Bible: Rev 1:8 Rev 1:11 Rev 21:6 Rev 22:13
- (1*8) + (1*11) + (21*6) + (22*13) = 431
- beginning from position 120201 in e are the three digits 431
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. In the product of the 89th and 109th Fibonacci numbers:
- the first three digits are 479
- the last three digits are 701
- 479 + 701 = 1180
In Greek, the term υιος δαβιδ ("the son of David") has a gematria value of 701.
- the first occurrence of 701 in pi begins from position 1180
The first occurrence of 479 in pi begins from position 1093. Between positions 1093 and 1180 in pi are 86 digits which sum to 402.
- 86 is the gematria value of אלהים (Elohim) translated as "God"
- the first 86 verses in the Torah contain 1180 Hebrew words
The only word which occurs 402 times in the KJV is "glory", which in Hebrew is כבוד (kabowd) with a gematria value of 32.
- the first 32 digits of pi sum to 152
- the word "sun" appears in 152 Bible verses (KJV)
- the first 152 digits of pi sum to 701 ("the son of David")
God said יהי אור ("Let there be light") which has a gematria value of 232.
- the 232nd digits of pi, phi and e respectively are 701
"There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory." 1 Co 15:41
The phrase αλλη δοξα ηλιου ("There is one glory of the sun") has a gematria value of 722. Beginning from position 722 in pi are the three digits 640, which is the gematria value of שמש (shemesh) meaning "Sun".
- the word "sun" appears 160 times in the KJV
- the first 160 digits of pi sum to 722
"For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly." Psa 84:11
The phrase כי שמש ומגן יהוה אלהים ("For the LORD God is a sun and a shield:") has a gematria value of 881.
- the word "sun" appears in 152 verses in the KJV
- 881 is the 152nd prime number
888 is the gematria value of ιησους ("Jesus"). A specific three digit string would be expected to appear, on average, once in 1,000 random digits. But in the product of the 89th and 109th Fibonacci numbers, 888 appears twice in just 41 digits. So what are the odds? According to the following probability formula, the odds are almost exactly 666 to 1.
But the most interesting thing about the sum of the 666th prime and 666th composite numbers is that the year 5779 on the Hebrew calendar commences on the 10th day of September, 2018.
2018 is also an auspicious number in pi, where its first occurrence begins from position 4068.
- in 2018, the 10th of September is the 253rd day of the Gregorian year
2018 is also an auspicious number in pi, where its first occurrence begins from position 4068.
The Sun of Righteousness
4068 is the gematria value of a prophetic verse in the final chapter of the Old Testament's last book, when Malachi said:
"But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall." Mal 4:2
The phrase וזרחה לכם יראי שמי שמש צדקה ומרפא בכנפיה ("But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings;") has a gematria value of 2220. The first occurrence of 2220 in pi is followed by 888, the gematria value of ιησους ("Jesus").
The term "the Sun of righteousness" is a metaphor for the dawning of a new day (ie era of history). The word "righteousness" is צדקה (tsedaqah) Strong's H6666 which is translated 157 times in the KJV (the 37th prime number).
This verse from Malachi prophesied the second coming of Christ, and appears to be the inspiration behind a similar verse from the Book of Hebrews.
"So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation." Heb 9:28
"But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall." Mal 4:2
The phrase וזרחה לכם יראי שמי שמש צדקה ומרפא בכנפיה ("But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings;") has a gematria value of 2220. The first occurrence of 2220 in pi is followed by 888, the gematria value of ιησους ("Jesus").
- 2220 = 60 x 37
- 888 = 24 x 37
- 60 + 24 = 84, which is the 60th composite number
The term "the Sun of righteousness" is a metaphor for the dawning of a new day (ie era of history). The word "righteousness" is צדקה (tsedaqah) Strong's H6666 which is translated 157 times in the KJV (the 37th prime number).
This verse from Malachi prophesied the second coming of Christ, and appears to be the inspiration behind a similar verse from the Book of Hebrews.
"So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation." Heb 9:28
- Heb 9:28 is verse number 30,134 in the KJV
- 30,134 is the sum of the first 6666 digits of pi
On a telephone keypad, 786 is "sun" and the first occurrence of 786 in pi begins from position 232 ("Let there be light"). The Sun is our own beautiful star. In Hebrew, the word "Sun" is שמש (shemesh) which has a gematria value of 640. The 640th star number is 2,453,761 and beginning from position 2,453,761 in pi are the three digits 232.
The first occurrence of 888 in pi begins from the 640th prime number. And the first occurrence of 888 in phi is preceded by the three digits 640.
The first occurrence of 888 in pi begins from the 640th prime number. And the first occurrence of 888 in phi is preceded by the three digits 640.
As discovered by the author of this website:
You can talk to Jesus on the Royal Telephone. |
The term שמש צדקה ("the Sun of righteousness") has a gematria value of 839.
In the 65th verse, the LORD God called unto Adam, and said, Where art thou? The phrase יקרא יהוה אלהים אל האדם ("the LORD God called unto Adam") has a gematria value of 504.
And God said לו איכה ("Where art thou?") which has a gematria value of 72. Beginning from position 72 in the reciprocal of 109 are the three digits 541 ("Israel").
- 839 is also the gematria value of the 65th verse in the Torah (Gen 3:9)
- the first 65 verses in the Torah contain 888 Hebrew words
In the 65th verse, the LORD God called unto Adam, and said, Where art thou? The phrase יקרא יהוה אלהים אל האדם ("the LORD God called unto Adam") has a gematria value of 504.
- the 5,779th digits of pi, phi and e respectively are 504
And God said לו איכה ("Where art thou?") which has a gematria value of 72. Beginning from position 72 in the reciprocal of 109 are the three digits 541 ("Israel").
- 72 is the 51st composite number, and the first 51 composites sum to 1988
1988 is the gematria value of the 89th verse in the Bible, in which God again directed a question, this time towards Cain who responded, "Am I my brother's keeper?" (Gen 4:9).
Clearly the response from both protagonists was unsatisfactory, and the line of Cain was doomed. Only the sons of Seth would survive the flood. So what is the correct response when called by God? The clue is to be found in the names of Adam and Cain.
- קין ("Cain") has a gematria value of 160
- אדם ("Adam") has a gematria value of 45
- 160 - 45 = 115
And therein lies the answer: Hineni ! Here am I. Send me ! The word הנני (hineni) has a gematria value of 115.
- beginning from position 115 in 1/89 are the three digits 640, the gematria of שמש (shemesh) meaning "Sun"
- 1/89 has a 44 digit repeat cycle
- the first 44 digits of pi, phi and e sum to 640 (219 + 216 + 205)
- the word "Christ" appears 555 times in the KJV
- beginning from position 555 in the digits of 1/89 are the three digits 640
- 89 is the 11th Fibonacci number
- the first 11 digits of pi, phi and e sum to 160 (49 + 57 + 54)
- 160 is the sum of the first 11 prime numbers
- the word "Sun" appears 160 times in the KJV (including 11 times in the Book of Revelation)
Hineni: Here Am I. Send Me!
To respond to God's call with Hineni indicates total commitment, and a preparedness to do God's will, whatever that may be.
The angel of the LORD called out, Abraham, Abraham. And Abraham responded: Hineni: Here am I. (Gen 22:11)
God spake, Jacob, Jacob. And Israel responded: Hineni: Here am I. (Gen 46:2)
God called out of the midst of the bush, Moses, Moses. And Moses responded: Hineni: Here am I. (Exo 3:4)
Hineni: Here am I. I'm ready, my Lord!
The word הנני (Hineni) has a gematria value of 115, and the first 115 verses in the Torah contain 1550 Hebrew words.
The angel of the LORD called out, Abraham, Abraham. And Abraham responded: Hineni: Here am I. (Gen 22:11)
God spake, Jacob, Jacob. And Israel responded: Hineni: Here am I. (Gen 46:2)
God called out of the midst of the bush, Moses, Moses. And Moses responded: Hineni: Here am I. (Exo 3:4)
Hineni: Here am I. I'm ready, my Lord!
- אברהם אברהם ("Abraham, Abraham") has a gematria value of 496
- יעקב יעקב ("Jacob, Jacob") has a gematria value of 364
- משה משה ("Moses, Moses") has a gematria value of 690
- 496 + 364 + 690 = 1550
The word הנני (Hineni) has a gematria value of 115, and the first 115 verses in the Torah contain 1550 Hebrew words.
When the Lord asked, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us (Isa 6:8) Isaiah's wholehearted response was: Hineni! Here am I. Send me! With this undertaking, his mission from the Lord was:
"Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not." Isa 6:9
The phrase שמעו שמוע ואל תבינו ("Hear ye indeed, but understand not;") has a gematria value of 1337.
The phrase "tell this people" is אמרת לעם which has a gematria value of 781. The first occurrence of 781 in phi begins from position 1688.
How could this people fail to understand? The word "understand" appears in 89 verses in the King James Version of the Holy Bible (QED).
"Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not." Isa 6:9
The phrase שמעו שמוע ואל תבינו ("Hear ye indeed, but understand not;") has a gematria value of 1337.
- the first 115 verses in the Torah have a combined gematria value of 368,969
- 368 + 969 = 1337
The phrase "tell this people" is אמרת לעם which has a gematria value of 781. The first occurrence of 781 in phi begins from position 1688.
- κυριος Ιησους ("Lord Jesus") has a gematria value of 1688
- the term "Lord Jesus" appears in 115 verses in the KJV
How could this people fail to understand? The word "understand" appears in 89 verses in the King James Version of the Holy Bible (QED).